Senator Picozzi E-Newsletter

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In this Update:

  • Week Two of Senate Appropriations Budget Hearings
  • Meeting With Philadelphia FOP Lodge # 5
  • Visit to CORA Services
  • Reporting State Fraud and Waste
  • Connect with Employers at the Commonwealth Job Fair on March 5
  • Snowmobiling in State Forests and Parks
  • Preventing Heart Attacks and Strokes

Week Two of Senate Appropriations Budget Hearings

This week was the second week of the Senate Appropriations Committee budget hearings. These hearings are meant to review and discuss the budget for the upcoming year. It is my duty as your State Senator to ask tough questions and ensure that the Commonwealth is adequately serving the people of Northeast Philadelphia. I am committed to keeping you informed throughout these hearings.

(Senator Joe Picozzi questions Acting Secretary Jessica Shirley during the Senate Appropriations Committee budget hearing for the Department of Environmental Protection)


(Senator Joe Picozzi questions Acting Secretary Carrie Rowe during the Senate Appropriations Committee budget hearing for the Department of Education.)


(Senator Joe Picozzi questions Secretary Russell Redding during the Senate Appropriations Committee budget hearing for the Department of Agriculture.)


(Senator Joe Picozzi questions Secretary Rick Siger during the Senate Appropriations Committee budget hearing for the Department of Community and Economic Development)


Meeting With Philadelphia FOP Lodge #5

I had a great meeting this week with Philadelphia FOP Lodge #5. We discussed officer mental health, recruitment, and other ways to support our police. Law enforcement puts their lives on the line every day. As an elected official, it is paramount to listen to the suggestions and concerns of our police officers.

Visit to CORA Services

Earlier this week, I had the privilege to visit the facility for CORA Services. For over 50 years, CORA has been dedicated to providing vital support to children and young families throughout our community. It was an honor to be invited to visit your facility and to see firsthand all of the great work you do.

Reporting State Fraud and Waste

Commonwealth employees and private citizens can take action to stop fraud and misconduct in Pennsylvania state government.

Complaints can be made online with the Office of the State Inspector General (OSIG) against a commonwealth employee, agency or contractor regarding an issue related to an executive agency of the commonwealth.

The OSIG works to maintain public confidence in government by combating fraud, waste, misconduct and abuse in commonwealth programs, operations and contracts.

Connect with Employers at the Commonwealth Job Fair on March 5

The Commonwealth Job Fair offers the opportunity to connect with more than 30 Pennsylvania state agencies and to learn more about public service. There are openings in transportation, finance, health care, wildlife management, public safety and more. You can also learn about career growth and other benefits.

It will be held Wednesday, March 5, from 9:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Pennsylvania Farm Show Complex, 2300 N. Cameron St., Harrisburg.

See open positions, learn more and register here.

Snowmobiling in State Forests and Parks

State parks and forests offer all sorts of recreational opportunities, including snowmobiling. There are thousands of miles and hundreds of acres of designated snowmobile areas for exploration.

As long as there is enough snow cover, snowmobile trails open the day after the last day of Pennsylvania’s regular or extended rifle deer season and close April 1 or earlier as determined by the district forester or park manager. During snowmobiling season, the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources posts snow and trail conditions three times per week.

While riding your snowmobile, you must carry with you or on the vehicle a certificate of registration, proof of liability insurance, registration plate affixed to the vehicle, expiration stickers (does not apply to limited registration) and valid safety certificate (ages 10-15 if riding off of parent’s or guardian’s property). Learn more.

Preventing Heart Attacks and Strokes

February is American Heart Month, which is a wonderful time for people of all ages to take steps to protect their hearts.

Typically, we think of heart disease and stroke when we think of the challenges that can result from poor heart health. Maintaining healthy blood pressure and eating well can help to prevent a cardiac event.

But heart health isn’t just for adults. More than 23,000 children experience cardiac arrest outside of the hospital each year. By learning CPR, you will be ready to respond in an emergency.


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